Native American Jewelry: The Ulimate Guide
Posted by Maria L on

Are you looking to learn more about Native American jewelry? Check out this ultimate guide! We dig deep into the history as well as how to identify Native American jewelry from different tribes. Do you remember the first time you saw a piece of Native American jewelry? We may not have realized at first what it was that we were looking at. The first thought may be that of amazement of the beauty of a turquoise stone. Or perhaps it was the complexity of the silver works resting on the outside of some Native American bracelets. Whatever the...
How long has Native American Jewelry been around?
Posted by David Grant on

Native American jewelry has actually been around for hundreds to thousands of years, depending on the type of Native American jewelry. Jewelry incorporating just turquoise has been around for thousands of years while jewelry incorporating silver has been just slightly over 100 years. Early Native Americans would string up turquoise stones they found in hills as early pieces of jewelry. It wasn't until the late 1800's that Native Americans started using metals in their jewelry. Using primarily copper, the Spanish taught techniques to the Native Americans, which the Native artists eventually mastered and evolved with. Silver coins were melted down...
Why is Vintage Native American Jewelry so valuable?
Posted by David Grant on

Vintage Native American jewelry is becoming more and more valuable as each year goes by. There are several reasons for this so let's dive in. The first reason would be because of rarity. The rarity of vintage Native American jewelry is increasing due to higher demand and lower supply. Collectors recognize that there is just too much newer jewelry as well as fake jeweler that is to be avoided. Older jewelry looks better when being worn mostly due to patina and classic styling. It is also more popular among celebrities and social groups, mostly due to the unique appearance. The...
What is Native American Jewelry?
Posted by David Grant on
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- Tags: native american jewelry, nativo arts, navajo bracelets, turquoise jewelry, vintage native american jewelry, vintage navajo jewelry